Links and Surveys
Links, references, and survey results relating to promoting Research Careers for Women
Grants and awards for female students and researchers
- JAUW International Fellowship (Japanese Association of University Women: JAUW)
- Shiseido Female Researcher Science Grant (Shiseido Company, Limited)
- Research Fellowship for Young Scientists ― Restart Postdoctoral Fellow (RPD) ―
(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: JSPS) - Inspiring Women in Science Award
(Nature and The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.)
Academic conferences, and others
- Japan Inter-Society Liaison Association Committee for Promoting Equal Participation of Men and Women in Science and Engineering: EPMEWSE
- Japan Science & Technology Agency: JST, ’Diversity’
- The Society of Japanese Women Scientists: SJWS
- Japan Women Engineers Forum: JWEF
- IEEE Japan Council Women in Engineering Affinity Group: IEEE WIE Japan
- International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists: INWES
- IEEE Women in Engineering: IEEE WIE
Research reports on female researchers
- “Large-Scale Surveys on Gender Equality in STEM”
(Japan Inter-Society Liaison Association Committee for Promoting Equal Participation of Men and Women in Science and Engineering: EPMEWSE)
Surveys on promoting research careers for women, conducted by the Gender Equality Center (presently known as Diversity and Inclusion Section)
“Survey on Female Graduate Career Paths after Tokyo Tech” (Japanese, pdf) |